How to Install cPanel & WHM in CentOS 6

cPanel is one of the most popular commercial control panel for Linux web hosting, I have been working with cPanel for last 3+ years to manage all Shared, Reseller and business hosting customers.

It comes with cPanel and Web Host Manager, which makes web hosting easier for you. WHM provides you root level access to your server whereas cPanel provides user level access interface to manage their own web hosting account on the server.

Features of cPanel

cPanel control panel is very versatile control panel for managing your hosting servers, It has lots of features which make Web hosting easier for you. Some of them are listed below:

  • Powerful GUI controls on your server with WHM.
  • Can perform tedious tasks like Backups, Migrations and restorations in a very easy and smooth manner.
  • Excellent DNS and mail server management for main server and as well as client account.
  • Can easily switch/enable/disable services for server.
  • Can configure SSL/TLS for all server services and client domains.
  • Easy integration with Phpmyadmin to provide a web based interface to manage your MySQL databases.
  • Feel free to Rebrand it.
  • Can be easily integrated with WHMCS to automate billing management.

Here In this article, We’ll be covering cPanel & WHM installation on CentOS/RHEL 6.5 and share some more useful information which will help you to manage cPanel & WHM.

Installation Prerequisites

  1. A fresh and minimal installation of CentOS 6.5 server.
  2. A minimum of 1 GB.
  3. A Minimum of 20GB free disk space required for cPanel installation.
  4. A cPanel license.

Installation of cPanel in CentOS and RHEL 6

First insure that OS version on which your Linux box is running, to do so, please use following command.

# cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 6.4 (Final)

If you don’t have the latest version, please update your OS to its latest version, In CentOS and RHEL, we can simply do it with yum package installer.

# yum update

Once updates completes, and then check the latest OS version with same above command.

# cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 6.5 (Final)

Next, ensure that your system has a standard hostname, otherwise set it as follows.

# hostname cpanel.tecmint.lan

Once you’ve ensured the OS version and hostname, you don’t have to install any other dependency packagees, cPanel auto installer script does all for you. We can download cPanel installer file under /home directory.

# cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

This above command changes your session to the home directory, downloads the most recent version of cPanel & WHM, and runs the installation script.

Important: I strongly recommended to run cPanel auto installer script in screen mode if you are doing it with SSH because it takes 30-40 minutes to complete the installation depending on your server resources and bandwidth speed.

Sample Output
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing cPanel & WHM Installer.....
        ____                  _
    ___|  _ \ __ _ _ __   ___| |
   / __| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _ \ |
  | (__|  __/ (_| | | | |  __/ |
   \___|_|   \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|
  Installer Version v00061 r019cb5809ce1f2644bbf195d18f15f513a4f5263

Beginning main installation.
2017-03-04 04:52:33  720 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Sat Mar  4 04:52:33 2017!
2017-03-04 04:52:33  721 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
2017-03-04 04:52:33  722 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
2017-03-04 04:52:33  723 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-install.log file.
2017-03-04 04:52:33  724 ( INFO): 
2017-03-04 04:52:33  725 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3...
2017-03-04 04:52:33  428 ( INFO): CentOS 6 (Linux) detected!
2017-03-04 04:52:33  444 ( INFO): Checking RAM now...
2017-03-04 04:52:33  233 ( WARN): 
2017-03-04 04:52:33  233 ( WARN): To take full advantage of all of cPanel & WHM's features,
2017-03-04 04:52:33  233 ( WARN): such as multiple SSL certificates on a single IPv4 Address
2017-03-04 04:52:33  233 ( WARN): and significantly improved performance and startup times,
2017-03-04 04:52:33  233 ( WARN): we highly recommend that you use CentOS version 7.
2017-03-04 04:52:33  233 ( WARN): 
2017-03-04 04:52:33  233 ( WARN): Installation will begin in 5 seconds.

Now, you need to wait for the cPanel installer script to complete its installation.

What Auto Installer Script Does for You

cPanel heavily modifies your operating system and that is the reason that no cPanel Uninstaller available on the web so far, you need to reformat your server to remove cPanel completely from your server.

  1. It checks for various packages to ensure that there will be no conflicts and it finds any package conflict, it uninstalls previous packages with yum and that’s why its recommended to install cPanel on a Fresh OS.
  2. Downloads language and base files for installation.
  3. Installs various Perl modules through CPAN and other required packages with yum.
  4. Downloads and compiles PHP and Apache with various associated modules.

Once that script completes its installation, it will shows up that cPanel installation is complete. You may be asked to reboot the server after installation.

After that you need to complete the installation wizard from its web based interface and you can access WHM with the following URL.




cPanel will open up its web interface like similar to below.

cPanel WHM Login
cPanel WHM Login

Please login with user “root” and your password. There are some more clicks remaining to complete the cPanel installation. Agree End User License Agreement by clicking “I Agree?/Go to Step 2” button:

cPanel WHM Agreement
cPanel WHM Agreement

Please do provide the working email address and contact SMS address in the column of “Server Contact Email Address” and “Server contact SMS address” respectively because your cPanel sends all important alerts, notification to this EMail-id (Recommended). You can fill the rest details as well, if you have one.

cPanel WHM Networking Setup
cPanel WHM Networking Setup

Please provide a valid FQDN hostname and Resolver entries for your server in this Networking section, you can use Google resolvers in this section if you don’t have your ISP’s resolvers. Please see the image below.

cPanel WHM Hostname Setup
cPanel WHM Hostname Setup

If you have more than one IP attached with your NIC card and you want to set up a specific IP for your Server’s main IP, you can do that from here, to do so please choose the IP from the drop down and click on “Go to Setup 4”.

cPanel WHM IP Address Setup
cPanel WHM IP Address Setup

In the 4th setup wizard, you can select DNS server which you want to use. You can choose one of them according to their Advantages, disadvantages and your server resources. Please read the comparison carefully and select the DNS server. Please see the image below.

cPanel WHM Setup Name Servers
cPanel WHM Setup Name Servers

In the same step, please write down Name Servers you want to use in format of ns1/ Also, Add an A entry for your hostname and nameserver by selecting the check box, please see the image below.

cPanel WHM Add Name Servers
cPanel WHM Add Name Servers

You can select and set up different services like FTP, Mail and Cphulk in the Step 5 of this web based wizard, please see the snapshots and description below.

You can select FTP server of your choice from this wizard, which you want to use for your server depending on their advantages, disadvantages and depending upon your ease and requirements.

cPanel WHM FTP Setup
cPanel WHM FTP Setup

Cphulk brute force protection detects and block false password attacks activities and block their IP for your server. You can enable/disable and configure it from this installation wizard. Please see the snapshot below.

cPanel WHM Brute Force Protection
cPanel WHM Brute Force Protection

Last Step 6, allows you to enable quotas which helps you to track down the disk space usages.

cPanel WHM System Quotas
cPanel WHM System Quotas

Please select “Use file system quotas” and click on “Finish setup wizard” to complete the Installation process. Once you are done with Installation, WHM’s home page will Appear like below..

cPanel WHM Dashboard
cPanel WHM Dashboard

You can see that Home page of WHM is displaying all Control panel option and sidebar with search facility which allows you to search options by just typing their names.

Sometimes, cPanel installer script is not able to update the licence because of firewall or resolvers entries and you’ll see trial warning in the page. You can do it manually with following command.

root@server1 [~]# /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt

As I told you above that Cpanel is for user level access and WHM is for root level access, you need to create an account with option available in WHM. Here I have created an account with the username “tecmint” to show you the view of cPanel for users. Please see the image below.

cPanel Preferences
cPanel Preferences

Other Useful thing to know before you start working with Cpanel and WHM.

CPanel Backend Files

  1. Cpanel directory : /usr/local/cpanel
  2. Third Party tools : /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/
  3. Cpanel addons directory : /usr/local/cpanel/addons/
  4. Base files like Phpmyadmin, skins : /usr/local/cpanel/base/
  5. cPanel binaries : /usr/local/cpanel/bin/
  6. CGI files : /usr/local/cpanel/cgi-sys/
  7. Cpanel access & error log files : /usr/local/cpanel/logs/
  8. Whm related files : /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/

Important conf files

  1. Apache configuration file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  2. Exim mail server conf file:/etc/exim.conf
  3. Named conf file : /etc/named.conf
  4. ProFTP and Pureftpd conf file :/etc/proftpd.conf and /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
  5. Cpanel user file: /var/cpanel/users/username
  6. Cpanel configuration file (Tweak settings) : /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
  7. Networking configuration file: /etc/sysconfig/network
  8. Addons, parked and subdomain information: /etc/userdomains
  9. Cpanel update config file: /etc/cpupdate.conf
  10. Clamav conf file: /etc/clamav.conf
  11. Mysql configuration file: /etc/my.cnf
  12. PHP ini conf file : /usr/local/lib/php.ini

Reference Links

cPanel/WHM Homepage

For now that’s all with Cpanel installation, there are so many features in Cpanel and WHM which help you to setup web hosting environment. If you face any problem with setting up Cpanel in your Linux server or need any other assistance like backups, restorations, migrations etc, you can simply contact us.

Till then, Stay connected with for more exciting and interesting tutorials in future. Do leave your valuable comments and suggestions below in our comment section.

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Ravi Saive
I am an experienced GNU/Linux expert and a full-stack software developer with over a decade in the field of Linux and Open Source technologies

Each tutorial at TecMint is created by a team of experienced Linux system administrators so that it meets our high-quality standards.

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Leave a Reply
  1. this tutorial is really very well explained I have a problem with you this video tutorial always explain well as its images thank you to you for the work you do

  2. Hi,
    I read your full article carefully for additional net information. Really you explain so good i understand all steps for installing cpanel on CentOS.

  3. I cannot close this tab without mentioning how helpful this tutorial was after i have spent the past 48 hours trying to configure my new VPS as a newbie. Very detailed with the screen shots, keep up the good work. my WHM is good to go

  4. Make sure you set fqdn as your hostname before you start the installation. If you do not set fqdn installer would halt the installation. It can be verified using

    # hostname -fqdn

    Took me 15 minutes to figure it out.

  5. HI Ravi,

    Thanks for this post. Can you please tell me, if i can install cPanel VPS license in my Dedicated server. Or i need to buy cPanel Dedicated one for my Dedicated server ?

  6. Hi

    I actually got cpanel installed and working by following your tutorial. But I’m kinda scared to continue using it because cpanel is not free. Is this a free version of cpanel?

    • @Mike,

      Yes, you right CPanel is not free for commercial use only, if you are using for home level for practice, you can use it without any fear..

  7. Hi Ravi,

    The WHM panel is License only. Is it possible can i use the WHM panel internal network for internal sites hosting. Please advice. Moreover i want to host 5 sites internal network only. Let me know any other option pls.

    Let me know how much time to install the WHM panel.

  8. sh latest
    Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00053 re6361667eb509a53fa18abae65182fa60dae4822

    Beginning main installation.
    The system detected an installer lock file: (/root/installer.lock)
    Make certain that an installer is not already running.

    You can remove this file and re-run the cPanel installation process after you are certain that another installation is not already in progress.

    root 3531 0.0 0.1 106032 1224 pts/0 S+ 19:15 0:00 sh -c ps auxwww |grep 3890038900
    root 3533 0.0 0.0 103276 776 pts/0 S+ 19:15 0:00 grep 389003890
    but http://your-server-ip:2087
    can’t be reached please reply

    • also telnet 2087
      Connected to
      Escape character is ‘^]’.
      @Ravi sir please help

      • futhermore on digging my tail -f /usr/local/cpanel/logs/error_log
        ==> cpsrvd: Setting up native SSL support … Done
        ==> cpsrvd: transferred port bindings
        ==> cpsrvd: bound to ports
        [2016-05-23 19:43:10 -0700] info [cpsrvd] Internal Server Error: “-” 500 The cPanel Server operation timed out at line 533.

        ==> cpsrvd started
        ==> cpsrvd: loading security policy….Done
        ==> cpsrvd: Setting up native SSL support … Done
        ==> cpsrvd: transferred port bindings
        ==> cpsrvd: bound to ports
        Please help

  9. Fantastic tutorial… As a novice, i was fearing to install cPanel. But thanks to your tutorial, all went successful.

    • @Manpreet,

      Try downloading TIERS using wget command and place in the same place where sh latest scripts exists and also make sure you’ve correct DNS resolvers in /etc/resolve.conf file.

      # wget
  10. for it show message of runelevel cpanel script should be running in runlevel 3 show message that the system could not fetch the tier file if i am running script of cpanel in runlevel 3 i.e sh latest

  11. Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00052 r675dcdd3813bad0a549b02665738ff72a765dcf5

    Beginning main installation.
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 601 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Tue Mar 22 15:17:15 2016!
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 602 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 603 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 604 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-install.log file.
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 605 ( INFO):
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 606 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3…
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 392 ( INFO): CentOS 6 (Linux) detected!
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 408 ( INFO): Checking RAM now…
    2016-03-22 15:17:15 467 ( INFO): Validating that the system hostname (‘’) is a FQDN…
    2016-03-22 15:17:16 1284 (DEBUG): – ssystem [BEGIN]: /usr/bin/rdate -s
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 1284 (DEBUG): – ssystem [END]
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 1286 ( INFO): The system set the clock to: Tue Mar 22 15:17:17 2016
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 1296 ( INFO): The system changed the clock by 1 seconds.
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 1002 ( INFO): The installation process will now set up the necessary empty cpanel directories.
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 1022 ( INFO): The installation process will now ensure that GPG is set up properly before it imports keys.
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 1025 ( INFO): The installation process will now import GPG keys for yum.
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 923 (DEBUG): Retrieving to the TIERS file…
    2016-03-22 15:17:17 923 (DEBUG): Retrieving to the TIERS.asc file…
    2016-03-22 15:17:18 1477 ( INFO): Downloading GPG public key, cPanelPublicKey.asc
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 1446 ( INFO): Valid signature for TIERS
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 119 (DEBUG): Parsing command line arguments.
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 326 ( INFO): Install type: standard
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 124 ( INFO): Running health checks prior to start.
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 823 ( INFO): Validating whether the system can look up domains…
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 835 (DEBUG): Testing…
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 835 (DEBUG): Testing
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 835 (DEBUG): Testing…
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 835 (DEBUG): Testing…
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 835 (DEBUG): Testing…
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 835 (DEBUG): Testing…
    2016-03-22 15:17:21 835 (DEBUG): Testing
    2016-03-22 15:17:23 869 ( INFO): The system successfully connected to the server.
    2016-03-22 15:17:23 580 (ERROR): The installation process detected that the server was in runlevel 5.
    2016-03-22 15:17:23 581 (FATAL): The server must be in runlevel 3 before the installation can continue.
    Removing /root/installer.lock.
    can anyone help me for this problem

    • @manpreet,

      To get rid of this problem, switch to run level 3 mode using init 3 command and then try the installation again, it will for 100%. As you see the last 2 lines states that you’re running the installation in run level 5 and asking you to switch to run level 3.

  12. I am using CentOS 7 and when i install cpanel it shows some error…

    [root@cpanel home]# sh latest
    Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00049 r4acea837e68e6bac6c7d8d61a9d5d6cb8a0640c6

    Beginning main installation.
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 581 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Fri Dec 11 19:45:48 2015!
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 582 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 583 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 584 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-install.log file.
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 585 ( INFO):
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 586 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3…
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 391 ( INFO): CentOS 7 (Linux) detected!
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 407 ( INFO): Checking RAM now…
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 466 ( INFO): Validating that the system hostname (‘’) is a FQDN…
    2015-12-11 19:45:48 1259 (DEBUG): – ssystem [BEGIN]: /scripts/rdate
    open3: exec of /scripts/rdate failed at /home/cPanelInstall/selfgz7843/install line 238.
    Removing /root/installer.lock.

  13. Hi
    I get trouble while installing WHM Cpanel on my Centos 6 please help me to solve this issue

    Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00049 r4acea837e68e6bac6c7d8d61a9d5d6cb8a0640c6

    Beginning main installation.
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 581 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Sat Nov 21 16:52:42 2015!
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 582 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 583 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 584 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-install.log file.
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 585 ( INFO):
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 586 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3…
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 391 ( INFO): redhat-server 6 (Linux) detected!
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 407 ( INFO): Checking RAM now…
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 466 ( INFO): Validating that the system hostname (‘’) is a FQDN…
    2015-11-21 16:52:42 1015 ( INFO): Checking the Red Hat registration for updates…
    2015-11-21 16:53:02 1027 (ERROR): When you use Red Hat Enterprise Linux®, you must register
    2015-11-21 16:53:02 1028 (ERROR): with the Red Hat Network before you install cPanel & WHM.
    2015-11-21 16:53:02 1029 (ERROR): Run the following command to register your server: /usr/sbin/rhn_register
    2015-11-21 16:53:02 1030 (FATAL): The installation process will now terminate…
    Removing /root/installer.lock.

    • @Abhay,
      The error is clear that your system must registered to Red Hat network before installing updates from Red Hat repository. I think the following article will help you out in registering your Server.

  14. please advice what to do:

    Installer Version v00049 r4acea837e68e6bac6c7d8d61a9d5d6cb8a0640c6

    Beginning main installation.
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 581 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Wed Nov 18 02:10:51 2015!
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 582 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 583 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 584 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-install.log file.
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 585 ( INFO):
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 586 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3…
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 391 ( INFO): CentOS 6 (Linux) detected!
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 407 ( INFO): Checking RAM now…
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 418 (ERROR): cPanel, Inc. requires a minimum of 768 MB of RAM for your operating system.
    2015-11-18 02:10:51 419 (FATAL): Increase the server’s total amount of RAM, and then reinstall cPanel & WHM.
    Removing /root/installer.lock.

    • @Keemoads,
      It seems your server has less RAM to process cPanel installation, try to add more RAM at least 1GB and try the installation again..

  15. Hi
    I installed cpanel on centos 7.1 after restart server i don’t access to my server even after install and active csf, after restart server i don’t access to my server.i search test any solution but i cant solved this issue.
    Please help me for this issue

  16. Hello Everyone,

    Recently I have ordered a vps from Phi9 web host. After the successful installation of cPanel, everything works fine.
    Thank you for your nice article.

  17. Hi,
    While I’m installing the WHM Cpanel in my RedHat 6 server. the below error was shown and stopped suddenly. Could you please help me on this..!!?

    2015-08-09 14:28:17 692 ( INFO): Closing the installation log and passing output control to the updatenow.static file…
    Can’t exec “./updatenow.static”: No such file or directory at /home/cPanelInstall/selfgz1527/install line 697.
    2015-08-09 14:28:17 708 (DEBUG): The installation process detected a failed synchronization. The system will reattempt the synchronization with the updatenow.static file…
    2015-08-09 14:28:17 714 (FATAL): The installation process was unable to synchronize cPanel & WHM. Verify that your network can connect to and rerun the installer.
    Removing /root/installer.lock.

    Awaiting for your reply..


  18. hello , after cpanel installation then i login to cpanel for configure but after this tutorial’s step 6 , cpanel asking me for password , then i entered my root pass but i can’t access to it :(

  19. Hi, thanks for the topic, before I buy a VPS I want to try everything on my pc window so I install Vmware and centos6.4 to train myself, then I followed your steps, but I don’t know how to get access to my Cpanel. so If you could plz help me out, I’ll very greatfull.

    • @Karim,
      After Cpanel installation, just point your browser to your system ip and port 2087

  20. [root@www ~]# sh latest
    Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00041 r3beb783c03f4e885821ebfb2d7fab04dc476197a

    Beginning main installation.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 460 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Sat May 9 22:16:13 2015!
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 461 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 462 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffe e/jolt.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 463 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-in stall.log file.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 464 ( INFO):
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 465 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3…
    2015-05-09 22:16:14 341 ( INFO): CentOS 6 (Linux) detected!
    2015-05-09 22:16:14 365 ( INFO): Validating that the system hostname (‘’) is a FQDN…
    2015-05-09 22:16:14 366 (FATAL): The installation process detected the following hostname:
    Hostnames cannot start with www! Use a valid hostname.
    Removing /root/installer.lock.

  21. Plz Help Me

    [root@www ~]# sh latest
    Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00041 r3beb783c03f4e885821ebfb2d7fab04dc476197a

    Beginning main installation.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 460 ( INFO): cPanel & WHM installation started at: Sat May 9 22:16:13 2015!
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 461 ( INFO): This installation will require 20-50 minutes, depending on your hardware.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 462 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffe e/jolt.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 463 ( INFO): The install will log to the /var/log/cpanel-in stall.log file.
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 464 ( INFO):
    2015-05-09 22:16:13 465 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3…
    2015-05-09 22:16:14 341 ( INFO): CentOS 6 (Linux) detected!
    2015-05-09 22:16:14 365 ( INFO): Validating that the system hostname (‘’) is a FQDN…
    2015-05-09 22:16:14 366 (FATAL): The installation process detected the following hostname:
    Hostnames cannot start with www! Use a valid hostname.
    Removing /root/installer.lock.

  22. I am reading your blog, it is very nice. I want to setup an environment using this Ec2-instance, ELB, RDS, WHM in AWS. can you please suggest me how to configure mysql RDS in WHM ?

  23. I had the same issue like Rahul; changing the memory size in the php.ini file fixed the problem for me. Thanks for the great tutorial!

  24. I have VPS with Daily Razor. This tutorial has resolved one problem. I had deleted one folder by mistake. Now I have reinstalled the C-Panel. Thanks.

  25. Hello Tarunika
    I tried to install the cPanel into a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago) but:

    # sh latest
    Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00035 rba1f2162e9d3a2ba38cc6aa7722aec0d3a7ad371

    Beginning main installation.
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 433 ( INFO): cPanel install started at: Thu Sep 25 06:11:59 2014!
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 434 ( INFO): This install will take 20-50 minutes depending on your hardware.
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 435 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 436 ( INFO): The install will log to /var/log/cpanel-install.log.
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 437 ( INFO):
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 438 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 338 ( INFO): redhat-server 6 (Linux) detected!
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 366 ( INFO): Validating that ‘ip-10-123-168-170.ec2.internal’ is a FQDN
    2014-09-25 06:11:59 836 ( INFO): Checking Red Hat registration for updates
    Unable to locate SystemId file. Is this system registered?
    2014-09-25 06:12:05 900 ( INFO): Validating you are subscribed to the optional RHN channel
    2014-09-25 06:12:05 921 (ERROR): You do not appear to be registered with a known base channel for redhat
    2014-09-25 06:12:05 922 (ERROR): $> /usr/sbin/spacewalk-channel –list
    Unable to locate SystemId file. Is this system registered?
    2014-09-25 06:12:05 923 (ERROR):
    2014-09-25 06:12:05 925 (ERROR): $> /usr/sbin/subscription-manager repos
    2014-09-25 06:12:06 926 (ERROR): This system has no repositories available through subscriptions.
    Removing /root/installer.lock

  26. Hi sir..

    I try to install the cpanel WHM in my server and its working well. The only problem is the trial License.

    Even though i try to update the lincense using the syntax you give, the trial license is displaying all the way. .

    Can you help me to fixed my problem in the trial lincense?

  27. Hi Tarunika,
    I tried but my limitation is that my root parition is just about 90-10 GBs. and my installtion is failing coz of it.

    [20140813.024102] see for more information
    [20140813.024102] The Administrator will be notified to review this output when this script completes
    [20140813.024102] E Detected events which require user notification during updatenow. Will send iContact the log
    info [updatenow] upcp Notification => root@infppcad0022 via EMAIL [level => 1]
    Cpanel::iContact: icontact /usr/sbin/sendmail is not executable by 0
    [20140813.024103] Removing staged files and directories for x3mail
    [20140813.024103] Removing staged files and directories for x3
    [20140813.024103] Removing staged files and directories for binaries/linux-x86_64, cpanel
    Can’t exec “/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpanel_initial_install”: No such file or directory at /home/cPanelInstall/selfgz19245/install line 146.
    2014-08-13 02:41:05 148 (FATAL): Failure to exec /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/cpanel_initial_install
    Removing /root/installer.lock
    [root@INFPPCAD0022 shiv_RnD]#
    [root@INFPPCAD0022 shiv_RnD]#
    [root@INFPPCAD0022 shiv_RnD]#

    Can we install it in my storage directory using some –prefix like we do in rpms…

  28. I am getting a Fatal error : allowed memory executed.
    What should i do ?
    Should i edit the ” php.ini ” file ?
    How will I restart the server after that ?
    I need complete procedure to restart server through cpanel.


  29. Hello, thanks for the tutorial.
    I got some problem here. I have done installed CPanel according to your tutorial. However, when i want to access using URL, it shows “the webpage is not available”. Am i doing wrongly?

  30. Hello, thanks it works fine!
    I don’t understand the part with the license, you are saying (Sometimes, cPanel installer script is not able to update the license because of firewall)

    I assume that if you buy a license then you are running the command and the registration is downloaded from the cpanels company server, right?

  31. error removed the file with rm-rf / root / command installer.lock but still the error continues, anyone have any tips on how to solve?

    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00032 rd0a77335c9257e711a05151f8371e04f218507ca

    Beginning main installation.
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 433 ( INFO): cPanel install started at: Fri Jun 27 11:13:30 2014!
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 434 ( INFO): This install will take 20-50 minutes depending on your hardware.
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 435 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 436 ( INFO): The install will log to /var/log/cpanel-install.log.
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 437 ( INFO):
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 438 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 338 ( INFO): CentOS 6 (Linux) detected!
    hostname: Unknown host
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 366 ( INFO): Validating that ” is a FQDN
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 372 (ERROR):
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 373 (ERROR): ********************* ERROR *********************
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 374 (ERROR):
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 375 (ERROR): Your hostname () is not set properly. Please
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 376 (ERROR): change your hostname to a fully qualified domain name,
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 377 (ERROR): and re-run this installer.
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 378 (ERROR):
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 379 (ERROR): ********************* ERROR *********************
    2014-06-27 11:13:30 380 (FATAL): exiting…
    Removing /root/installer.lock

    • This error comes when you installing cPanel on already running Cpanel or installer.lock file is already exists. Removing installer.lock file from the path will solve the problem.

      # rm -rf /root/installer.lock
  32. Hello

    Congratulations on the tutorial, but when I try to do the following error appears:

    [root @ home allan] #-bash: wget: command not found
    -bash:-bash :: command not found
    [root @ home allan] # [root @ allan home] #
    -bash: [root @ allan: command not found
    [root @ home allan] #

    know what can that be? I have done on other machines and it worked good

  33. Set hostname before installing cPanel.

    By typing this commend line:


    You should replace “” with your domain.

    Best Regards.
    Mohamed Salah

  34. Hello Tarunika

    I tried to install the cPanel into a CentOS6.5 VM. I don’t use a FQDN for my hostserver. The cPanel installation procedure throws up this error:

    “[root@centostest ~]# sh latest
    Verifying archive integrity… All good.
    Uncompressing Cpanel & WHM Installer…………..
    ____ _
    ___| _ \ __ _ _ __ ___| |
    / __| |_) / _` | ‘_ \ / _ \ |
    | (__| __/ (_| | | | | __/ |
    \___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\___|_|

    Installer Version v00029 r6849459174e3809f72de2bef81427a8a45399d66

    Beginning main installation.
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 557 ( INFO): cPanel install started at: Wed Jan 29 11:32:42 2014!
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 558 ( INFO): This install will take 20-50 minutes depending on your hardware.
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 559 ( INFO): Now is the time to go get another cup of coffee/jolt.
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 560 ( INFO): The install will log to /var/log/cpanel-install.log.
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 561 ( INFO):
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 562 ( INFO): Beginning Installation v3
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 462 ( INFO): centos 6 (Linux) detected!
    hostname: Unknown host
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 490 ( INFO): Validating that ” is a FQDN
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 496 (ERROR):
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 497 (ERROR): ********************* ERROR *********************
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 498 (ERROR):
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 499 (ERROR): Your hostname () is not set properly. Please
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 500 (ERROR): change your hostname to a fully qualified domain name,
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 501 (ERROR): and re-run this installer.
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 502 (ERROR):
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 503 (ERROR): ********************* ERROR *********************
    2014-01-29 11:32:42 504 (FATAL): exiting…
    Removing /root/installer.lock”

    Is there any work around to proceed with this cPanel installation?


    • Hi Sarfaraz,

      cPanel & WHM is a commercial paid control panel, you can buy it directly from Cpanel Inc or some other vendors. Also if you own a Linux server, please ask your hosting provider too , they must be having some plans with affordable costs.


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