August 15, 2012 was just like any other day for most of the world but for us, it was not the same. When the sun rose that day, we took the pledge to help each and every Linux and open source user as far as possible, with an exhaustive and easy to use knowledge base, and thus TecMint was born.
Currently TecMint visited by over a million people each month. Since the day TecMint was born, we have published over 770 quality articles that work out of the box and also have received more than 11,300 value adding comments from TeMint readers.
As we grew in size and quality, we noticed that our visitors were not satisfied with the limited functionality of TecMint. Commenting and replying to comments was not enough. Our visitors needed prompt solutions to their problems. Our team ran a brainstorming session and we came up with another solution; LinuxSay.
What is (A Discussion Forum for Linux Enthusiasts) is a sister site of Tecmint. It is an online collaboration platform for Linux and open source users to raise questions, obtain answers to your questions, discuss topics ranging from Linux/FOSS related news to server administration to programming languages, as well as an area for general Linux/FOSS discussion.
Features of
You do not need to register to access the content of the site. However to post questions, you need to sign-up at Linuxsay. Signing up is quite easy. You can even signing up using social media profiles such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo. After signup, auto-import of profile icon between your social media profile and Linuxsay.

Using LinuxSay is pretty straightforward thanks to a very friendly user interface with instant email notification when someone likes/replies to your post.

You can create a thread for your question right from the board and post query/question in relevant already created forum categories with just a single click. It also provides a powerful search function to search threads for answers to questions that may have already been answered.

Auto-updating of the order of topics/threads based upon last reply with the latest replies appearing at the top with total number of Replies, Last reply by, Total Views and Last Activity for each topic/thread is visible to every user.

Allows you to Get answers to your questions from professionals across the globe in less than 24 hours. Gives you the possibility to solve others’ problems and answer their questions, if you can.
Best of all, Linuxsay is completely free! No Debit/Credit card information required.
Win $50 or T-shirts Every Month
If all of the above isn’t enough, you have the chance to win exciting prizes. We will be giving $50 or a T-shirts (depending on availability) to the top contributor of Linuxsay on a monthly basis (winner will be determined on 28th of every month 11:30 P.M, IST).
Choosing the top contributor on Linuxsay is a very transparent process and everything is done by an intelligent algorithm. Users will be able to see the top contributor at any time here

What are you waiting for?
Get answers to questions. Provide answers to fellow users. Potentially win great prizes. All of this is available at LinuxSay!
What you can do for us?
If you like our platform and find it interesting or useful, please ask friends and colleagues to join Linuxsay so that we can all share knowledge and better Linux and FOSS technologies together. Also please be sure to share Linuxsay on social media sites.
Stay connected Linux users and keep the forum engaged. Let us make the world a better place to live with no place for closed source or pirated software. Linuxsay needs your support and we believe you will give us the same love and support you are giving to Tecmint. Enjoy Linuxsay. Keep Connected.
Very useful article
Thanks a lot
Thanks – great tutorial. Although you have already mentioned this, I would like to emphasis that the LinuxSay members carefully choose the subforum (category) they post to. Oftentimes users post specific questions related to a single distribution (CentOS, Ubuntu, Lunix Mint) in a general discussiion forums (e.g Linux category). This could be a really bad practice since we might end up having bloated general discussins and very few posts in distro-related subforums.
Keep up the greta job!
Yes I agree with your suggestions, and even I mentioned everything at this tutorial and on the Linuxsay forum, but to be frank we really don’t have a control on users posting. Yes, we do have control to change categories after posting, but it will confuse users..Anyway we try to keep this forum clean and topic related..
Thanks again for your inputs…