If you’re aiming to elevate your Linux learning process to an advanced administrative and expert level, we have meticulously curated a collection of 10 exceptional Free Linux eBooks.
These invaluable resources are designed to empower you in constructing an exceptionally robust foundation for your Linux skills. With these ebooks at your fingertips, you can confidently embark on a journey of profound Linux mastery.
1. The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide
The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide eBook is a valuable resource for novices in Linux and those aspiring to be system administrators.
It covers everything a beginner needs to know: from the history of UNIX and Linux, choosing a Linux distribution, to basic Linux commands, sysadmin commands, and monitoring and analyzing metrics such as CPU, RAM, and running processes.
The eBook was last updated in 2017 and is written by Alistair McDonald, a holder of BSC (Hons) in Computing and other certifications from Linux vendors, including Red Hat.
2. The Linux Command Line
Written by William Shots, The Linux Command Line eBook is a 555-page volume that is tailored for complete newbies and users who aspire to have a deeper understanding of Linux.
It covers basic concepts such as terminal emulators, types of shells, files, and directory manipulation to advanced topics such as package management, regular expressions, shell scripting, and text processing.
This is a must-have for Linux enthusiasts and beginners looking to sharpen their Linux skills.
3. GNU/Linux Command−Line Tools
As the name infers, the GNU/Linux Command−Line Tools eBook provides an in-depth reference guide for common Linux commands used on the command line interface.
It’s a perfect resource for seasoned Linux users who want to refine their skills or beginners getting started with Linux.
4. Introduction to Linux
This free eBook “Introduction to Linux” is an ideal place to start for learners trying to wrap their heads around Linux. It starts with the history of UNIX and Linux, then explores the differences between the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Command-Line Interface (CLI).
It also covers other Linux topics such as working with files and directories, installing and removing software, managing processes, text editors, printers and printing, and basic networking to mention a few.
5. Linux Fundamentals
Written for newbies in Linux, the ‘Linux Fundamentals‘ course is a manual that introduces beginners to the world of Linux and covers all the essential topics that a learner needs to know. It is authored by Paul Cobbaut.
The only disclaimer is that the manual is a bit old, and uses older Linux flavors such as Debian 8 and CentOS 7 which have been deprecated. Aside from the installation, other topics such as Linux commands and shell scripting still remain relevant to date.
6. Linux Networking
Also authored by Paul Cobbaut, the ‘Linux Networking‘ eBook covers fundamental networking basics such as Network layers, IP addresses, DHCP vs Static IP assignment, DNS, NFS, routing, Firewall configuration, and networking services such as SSH, Samba, and many more.
7. GNU/Linux Advanced Linux Administration
The ‘GNU/Linux Advanced Linux Administration‘ eBook is an advanced Linux reference book that focuses on advanced Linux concepts, which begin with shell scripting and package management.
It also touches on configuring and updating the Linux kernel and kernel modules, network administration, data administration, server administration, security administration, and clustering.
This is an ideal manual for intermediate users looking to advance and polish their server administration skills.
8. Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook
This ‘Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook‘ will walk you through simple Linux commands to automate complex tasks. It starts off with shell basics, then delves into simple commands for manipulating files and directories.
From there you learn about system and network monitoring, examining applications, and using Git version control. Finally, you will learn how to set up virtual machines and containers.
9. Bash Reference Manual from GNU
This ‘Bash Reference Manual‘ ebook is an ideal reference for newbies looking to get started with bash scripting and Linux.
It includes a detailed description of BASH syntax, and commands, as well as the semantics of all major features such as pipes and redirections, I/O redirection, variables, job control, command-line editing, etc.
10. Advanced Bash Shell Scripting Guide
The ‘Advanced Bash Scripting Guide’ eBook is tailored for programmers or users already familiar with bash scripting and who would like to refine their bash programming skills.
It provides a comprehensive course that covers topics such as variables, loops and branches, regular expressions, I/O redirection, and many more.
That was a collection of some of the best freely available eBooks that you can download and use to familiarize yourself with the Linux operating system. Keep in mind that a good number of these books are a bit old and some information may be obsolete.
Nonetheless, the shell commands remain unchanged and therefore will provide much assistance in your learning journey.
Is there a “standard” for Linux eBook formatting along the lines of man-page and info-page formatting?
There are multiple answers each with their pros and cons.
Hey Ravi, Not everyone who wants to learn about Linux, works for a living and not everyone lives in the States, um, Y’all realize that, don’t ya?
I was about to download the ebooks until I got to this page where a short description is written about each book. The English is so bad in the book description that it is damn near impossible to read. No offense, the author of the descriptions could be a genius with computers but these are books intended to be read by humans and if they are written even remotely as poor as the description.
It would take me days to finish a page and that would be the result of guessing which words were intended, reversing the syntax, and skipping the random dangling pronouns that together reads like master Yoda on meth (“system operating in Linux great works for things many do users average…”) WTF?
I couldn’t tell if the author of the books was the same person as the one writing the short descriptions on this page so not risking becoming spam bait to download 1000 pages of incomprehensible with great polished titles.
Piece of advice: don’t become a writer in a language until you can read and write that language…
Yeah, was going to download a eBook and take a look – but, filling out the form (on mobile) bored me to death and had to give it up, meh.
Just a quick note, some of your resources above are no longer available.
Yeah we know, we will fix the article with new books..
cool stuff and i love it, cutting edge technological solutions. I am very encouraged…
Thank you, Ravi. I am going into this dumb as a tree and blind as a bat, but I have to learn it. Your guidance is very much appreciated!
can’t download 10 free books………………………………………………….
Interesting how “Download Your Free eBooks NOW” mutates to “Request Your Free Book Excerpt Now” when clicking the link.
Miss leading isn’t it! There are not free eBooks as advertised, just a way to collect your information so you can be SPAMed
Harley Hans Guide to Unix and Linux is also a great book. The tone of the book is interesting enough to make it a good read.
Hi Support,
I try to submit the form to download, but somehow the column job title and company industry combo box cannot select appropriate item.
It always back to default value.
So i couldn’t download the book
Thanks for notifying us about the issue, is there any error you getting after submitting those details? or its just set to default settings?
I got successfully download free Books from your site..I downloaded TEN Books from your site today..please add extra books for us like early as possible..thanks for you
Hey Mr Ravi, I tried to download ebook as independent but failed!
And i have no such friend in my mind to refer company name
Which Linux ebook you were looking for? just tell us the name, will send you on your email address.
Hi Mr Saive, I’m running latest version of mint. I have a SSD running the OS and a secondary platter drive for storage. Currently, I have mounted the secondary drive as Mint is installed on whole of SSD. Could you please advise steps on how to use the platter drive for storage and SSD for OS booting. Or how to use gparted without having to reinstall mint to include the storage HD, Thnx GJ
First mount the platter drive and then add a entry in /etc/fstab to make it permanently mount and used for storage purpose. To know more about how to use parted command to add the new storage device here:
I have a similar mint Linux setup and found the following to be a great use of an SSD and platter drive:
– SSD contains all of the OS related directories (/usr,/sbin,/etc)
– platter drive contains /home and swap
You can use the parted tutorial and others to change your installation to follow this design.
I am trying to download ebook starter as independant, no company and unable to download.
No problem, just specify your friends company name or whatever an download the ebook..
Country selected India, but the states are shown for USA, Mexico and Canada and also keeps on asking to check the state and select within the three USA, Mexico and Canada. Unable to download.
Sorry for trouble, could you please share the screenshot with us so that we can better have a look at the error..
“Free” is misleading, as I can’t access this content without giving Tecmint a lot of personal information. Having stumbled upon this clickbait title via Google, I was expecting one big .zip archive or tarball containing all 10 ebooks to speedily download without handing over all my information.
Your Linux free books won’t download.
The form just keeps asking me to correct the same fields over and over again.
Sorry for trouble, could you please share the screenshot with errors, so that we have better idea about the problem you facing..
Thank you so much, :)
First of all i am so thankful to you for your free ebook distribution and i am here for your help if u think i am that type. It means any help if u need in your project or anything it may be.
Thanks for showing interest in helping TecMint. Yes, we need some help in growing for LinuxSay forum.. It would be great if you could join there and help some fellow users who looking for help
Thank you so much. I really appreciate. Great work!
Great Linux material, request Python and Apache Spark if at all possible. Thx
Hi Ravi,
Thanks for consolidation and it helps me lot…
This is a great idea, but is there a reason we have to use tradepub? They just want to sell your info and spam you for a pdf, thats what you are agreeing to. If someone has them, and will share directly please email me.
Many thanks!
Just a quick thanks. I’ve been thrown in the deep end with having to work with a linux system. Your tutorials have been invaluable.
Ravi, your tutorials and tips on Linux are like a dream come true for me. I have no formal training in computer science , but I am working long-term to help people with very little money, to switch to Debian in vocational schools.
May God reward your kindness!
Thanks for such kind words..appreciated…
You have missed a really great book:
(By the way, this is also a good site http://www.debian-administration.org/)
Great job Ravi Saive!!
thanks Ravi Saive for the ebooks , all download links working perfectly, keep up the good work.
Thanks all the way, I download it through my BB smartfphone and transfer it into my computer for a more larger view. Can’t wait to hook my eyes on those files because I am a new learner. And more related info won’t be a bad idea from anyone outthere for a new Linux user like me. Thanks
Hi Ravi
The missing links are definitely caused by AdBlock.
I suggest you update your post to tell users of AdBlock to disable it then refresh the page. If you do that, the images of the book covers and the links magically appear.
Thanks for posting the list. It is very helpful.
Geraldo, thanks for your suggestion, we’ve updated the article with message saying to disable AdBlock..
It’s really good
Thank you very much ravi… i learned so much information about linux from this site..
Keep visiting Tecmint and keep learning…:)
Hi, the image (and link) of each book doesn’t show in Chrome, but it’s ok on Safari. Hope it will help you.
I’ve checked in Chrome, all the links are showing up, which version of chrome you are using?
Where is the Link Dear No link any where.
Chirag, links are already there, even links are added to images. Clicking images will take you to the download section. If you still not able to see links, can you do a little help, if possible can you share screenshot of your browser?
I don’t no how to download those e books and what is work email and i dont have any job and company iam studying plz kindly help me to get those books. Plz email me : Shaikhhasan533hf@gmail.com
I can’t send you directly, you need to fill up the registration form to download.
none of the links work useless
Bro, I’ve checked all links and they are working properly, may I know where you facing problem. If possible do send me a screenshot of error if any you getting on the screen, it will help us in identifying problem.
If you’re using adblock, the links are not shown. Open in incognito or disable adblock to see them; just encountered the same issue myself.
Thanks Michale, for pointing readers to correct directions…
Yes! Finally I figured out what the problem is. I think that this information should be listed as a disclaimer as I am using Chrome with both Adblock plus and Adblock pro running simultaneously, and having that information readily posted in large letters would have made it easier for me to figure that you. Otherwise, thank you to the utmost ability of my frail human abilities for these guides.
Follow this link and you will find the ebooks above.
May 27, 2014
I don’t see any links and I would like to read a few of these books.
Screenshot is here https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10444846/NoLinks.PNG
The images looks strange to me, which browser you are using and which version? It seems the browser is outdated, I suggest you to upgrade to Firefox or Chrome and then check the page again.
can’t find downloads links under each book description…!
I’ve included download links to each book under description. Can you show me a screen shot where you not able to see them. Please, this will help us in identifying problem.
Very disappointed too.
No links provided with the download.
The author said he will fix it soon (replied by Ravi Saive at April 16, 2014 at 2:27 pm), but now one month already, NOT FIXED.
May be I need to block this website on my firewall, so it will not lead to false information.
There so many website out-there providing better information than this crap.
Good bye ….
Dear Friend,
Sorry for any trouble you’ve faced with the download links, I’ve already included download links at bottom on each book, even I checked all links personally all are working fine, can you re-check and confirm me..
Even as other members I visited more times this ‘shit’ website (sorry for my own description) searching for the one and only working link to download!
There are still not so many Linux/Unix users who know enough about this software… so some extra information could be easy. But if someone is interested in (free) eBooks of Linux (Windows-users too), than must it be easy downloading it or otherwise make not so large publicity about it. We are no children who want to be kept for 20 minutes on this website, to search for the (free) eBooks.
For the web-master of this website it’s a signal that the website is still not working well. It’s a better statement to visitors that you sent the eBooks by e-mail. AND that you don’t use the email-address for ‘publicity practices’, otherwise is free not free. If my English written text not okay, I learned it 40-years back at my last school class, and it’s not my own.
My slogan
~ I’m open, honest and sincere to myself, to my partner and with some restrictions to others too…! ~
I reside in the Russia.
How do I download these books?
We’ve provided links to download for each ebook, is there any problem you getting while downloading ebooks? If yes please share the screen grab of any error you getting.
NO problem it is easily downloaded but must fill all details
Has this been fix yet?
Yes, it’s fixed all links are working fine now.
How do I download these books? I keep clicking on the link but it opens the same page in a new browser tab. Thanks
Thanks for informing us, will look into this issue and try to fix it soon. Meanwhile, can you tell us from which country you belongs to, this would help us to identify problem.
I reside in the US. Thanks
I reside in the Nepal.
Well, I must thank you for the eight free e-books which would have required a lot of searching to find, and I suppose the two excerpts, to be fair supplied some funds to advertise their books (Wrox and Packt), both well recognised publishers on IT subjects.
So, in all, while at first I was going to complain about the excerpts like Jason above, I can see the reasons, and they would be worthwhile purchases :)
So, in all, a worthwhile, if tedious procedure to get my hands on the books :lol:
Thankyou !
The issue is that the article is deceiving. More bluntly, they are lying.
Simply MARVELOUS !! what an outstanding site to follow. Great Job. Keep it up !!!
TecMint.com is a treasure for those who are interested in Linux.
KUDOS TO RAVI SAIVE who have been working tirelessly to make this happens.
Silver Spring, Maryland USA
Really disappointed. Had to sign in via Linked In and answer questions related to my job only to find that I could only download an exerpt of the book rather than the whole thing.
just fill abc or xyz. Even that will work.
I have done that. and I am really thankful to tecmint for this useful information.